pool office perspective

GCUR is the catalyst for the overall re-imagination and rejuvenation of the abandoned Gonville municipal centre. As it develops it will incorporate the following:
• project work space
• venues for talks, conferences and screenings
• reading room and research centre
• micro exhibition space
• publishing house and printery

GCUR embraces architecture, art, urban design, publishing, photography and film.

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The Gonville town centre has sat largely unused for more than a decade. The GCUR development is the catalyst to bring it back to life as a place to live, work and gather. Its past will be celebrated and its future re-imagined as new uses are created for the municipal baths, the town hall and the fire station.


GCUR is the headquarters of Heritage Associates, a consultancy for the development needs of small to medium museums and heritage organisations. Services include strategic planning, project management, database development and publishing.

talks & screenings
Stage One of the GCUR development does not allow for large-scale gatherings. Pending the reopening of the Gonville Town Hall as a 200-seat public venue, conference, seminar and screening programmes will be presented off-site.

The Changing Room holds over 700 books and periodicals as well as a reference collection of essays and articles from on-line and other sources. Writers, scholars and researchers in any relevant field are welcome to use it as a reading room and writing space.

Small exhibitions related to GCUR’s sphere of interest are presented in the Changing Room.

GCUR is the home of Small Bore Books, a specialist imprint focused on reviving archival texts about art, architecture and design. The Centre will also publish and print monographs on urban themes.